Monday, August 18, 2008

Crea-THREE-vity Incoporated

Crea-THREE-vity Incoporated


Now I’ve no idea what so ever about this brand but since I need not write about that in this blog… I don’t care. Again, this is an example of simple arrangement of alphabets to give it a meaning. The graphic looks like just a shape until you realize that it has been created using the same alphabets which the name has. The color combination plays a significant role here.

Although seems to be very simple but it represents the intended thing very beautifully. This is the logo for Michael Schumacher. With his initials MS the artist has tried making a F1 car. And that dot above his it is I guess his helmet. This F1 champ deserves it J

Google Doodles

Google is famous for its simplicity in representation and creativity and innovation in products and services that it offers. The logo itself is quite simple and colorful. Don’t worry… I won’t put the GOOGLE logo in the list of creative logos and you can check out the numerous versions of Google logos at

But what’s really creative is the ‘Doodle’. The various kinds of modifications of the official Google logo, on occasions ranging from birthdays of famous people, holidays and major events, are known as the Google doodle. It started off with Larry page and Sergey Brin designing a logo to notify their absence to the users in case the servers crashed. It was in reference to the ‘Burning Man festival’.

Many of the following doodles were created by some outside contractor until Google stumbled upon Dennis Hwang in 2000. Right after that day, Dennis has been after all the doodles and has created around 200 of them. I came to know that they also entertain requests about doodle for great personalities and so I tried searching for one dedicated to ‘Mahatma’. Since I didn’t find any… I thought of creating it myself.

Please tell me that you like it. I know it’s quite simple but then… ‘The simpler… the better’ ain’t it?? I’m gonna request them to put this or something similar to this on 02nd of October and if that happens… I’ll get registered in the Google history. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Rishi said...

Thats amazing man!! .. Jsut hats off yo u for this logo of urs!!